“Last week I had my first mammography. It was a high quality digital mammography according to latest standards, followed by an ultrasound performed with a high resolution device by a specialized radiologist. No findings at all, as expected. The purpose of this examination was to serve as a reference for future ones! It is advised that women after 35 – and certainly before 40 years of age – have a reference digital mammography. This way we know exactly how our own breasts look like when healthy, so that any deviation is easily noticed and as soon as possible!” writes A. P.
“Last week I had my first mammography. It was a high quality digital mammography according to latest standards, followed by an ultrasound performed with a high resolution device by a specialized radiologist. No findings at all, as expected. The purpose of this examination was to serve as a reference for future ones!
The practice of medicine has evolved, during the last decades, from a doctor-centered art-practice to a regulated application of guidelines. This is particularly true in cancer medicine where therapeutic decisions have deep impact not only on chances of survival but, moreover, on toxicity and financial issues.
Zenodotus (Greek: Ζηνόδοτος) was a Greek grammarian, literary critic, Homeric scholar, and the first
External radiation or brachytherapy is one of the treatment methods against breast cancer. As all therapies, radiation is linked with side effects.
Breast conserving therapy (BCT) refers to breast conserving surgery (BCS) followed by moderate-dose radiation therapy (RT) to eradicate any microscopic residual disease. The goals of BCT are to provide the survival equivalent of mastectomy, a cosmetically acceptable breast, and a low rate of recurrence in the treated breast.
In the previous post we discussed the effects of the project meeting in Paris regarding the everyday cooperation of the partners. Nevertheless this was by no means the only interesting aspect of the event. The content of the meeting itself and the quality additions to our team were the real issues of interest.