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The DESIREE project aims to provide a web-based software ecosystem for the personalized, collaborative and multidisciplinary management of Primary Breast Cancer by specialized Breast Units, from diagnosis to therapy and follow-up.

The DESIREE project aims to provide a web-based software ecosystem for the personalized, collaborative and multidisciplinary management of Primary Breast Cancer by specialized Breast Units, from diagnosis to therapy and follow-up.

The DESIREE project has the objective of providing software tools to improve coordination and efficiency of Breast Units and to advance in the management, treatment and knowledge discovery in complex Primary Breast Cancer cases. Innovative market opportunities will be provided to the European health industry, offering comprehensive solutions to the clinical community, which claims for an integrated model for breast cancer management and whose model may be exported to other clinical scenarios. Learn more about the project and its objectives.


CALL      H2020-PHC- 2015-single- stage 

TOPIC    PHC-30- 2015 Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment



DESIREE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690238

Visit DESIREE official website

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmme under grant agreement No 690238