Improving innovation capacity and the integration of new knowledge
Innovation within DESIREE will be pursued not only through the consortium‘s efforts and success in researching and developing new services, but also through demonstration, piloting, proof-of-concept and validation activities operating close to all end-users here mainly BU of reference hospitals and the market. Technological developments to be committed in DESIREE, will be oriented to the translation of the technology from idea, proof of concept or early prototypes to prototypes close to the market and its real application in daily care.
In addition to the foreseen improvement of coordination and multidisciplinary management of breast cancer, DESIREE will build on existing technologies, leveraging the recent revolution in digital eHealth systems and promoting the use and exploitation of data obtained from advanced technologies, such as medical imaging and radiotherapy systems, Next Generation Sequencing genomic platforms, novel diagnostic tests or novel pharmacological treatments, to cite some. There is an evident need in translating this vast amount of information sources and technologies into viable computer systems that can be used in clinical practice. To do so, these systems must be equipped with computer software capable of efficiently handling this vast amount of information and mimic human decision processes in the clinical domain.
The potential of DESIREE is reflected in the following developments that have the promise to be converted into viable products with high innovation content in their respective fields:
- Web-based image analysis tools specific for breast cancer
- Web-based modelling tools for conservative breast therapy and virtual surgery
- CDSS for breast cancer integrating knowledge and novel information sources
- Tools for advanced data exploration on breast cancer cases
- Collaborative management software for BUs with advanced representation of cases
DESIREE improves the overall functioning of the Breast Unit, create new knowledge based on biomarkers and improve treatments planning regarding primary breast care (surgery and radiotherapy).
Furthermore, patient preference is one of the main challenges to introduce during decision-making. In many patients that undergo partial mastectomy, the remaining breast is left with significant cosmetic defects. These flaws have been reported to contribute to poor body image and psychological distress in some patients. DESIREE will address this issue by incorporating and improving predictive multi-scale physiological models for breast conservative therapy to preserve a breast that satisfies the woman‘s cosmetic, emotional and physical needs. Also, seeing how their breasts will look like after surgery helps reducing the anxiety of women undergoing these situations and improves their quality of life.